Roger Federer on time out: “It was nice to live normally as a family”



Roger Federer spent a lot of time at home as part of his break after the knee operation – and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Federer explained this in a conversation with Schweizer Illustrierte after his victory at the “Sports Awards”.



He had already experienced this in 2016, says Federer, at that time he had an operation on his right knee and after a brief comeback in the summer had declared his season over.


“This year passed just as quickly as one on the tour,” said Federer. “What was new for us was that we were finally in one place. We were able to make plans: What do we do this Wednesday, what next?” Although they are together on the tour as a family, the stress has now disappeared.

The “Daddy has another match” or “Don’t be too loud in the morning because Daddy didn’t go to bed until three in the morning after a match.” Federer: “It was nice to live normally as a family for once.”


He himself often played the chauffeur for his kids during that time. “And I enjoyed being a good host when the rules allowed visitors. In the past, everyone was happy when our friends just dropped by. Now I’ve taken care of everything: nice light, a nice atmosphere, the right wine. I had a lot more time to celebrate. “

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