“The More Awesome it Will be”: Serena Williams Urges Young Girls to Stay in Sports



The former World No. 1 has described her emotions and feelings for the awareness regarding girls’ dropout rate from sports. She strongly believes in promoting equality between the importance given to men and women in sports.

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According to a study done, girls drop out of sports at 1.5 times the rate of boys by the age of 14. Some girls say this is because they think sports do not cater to them and that more attention is focused on male sports. However, sports have been proven to increase diligence and discipline and to build confidence and relationships.



“I won’t mind if you play tennis badly. I won’t mind if you choose to never pick up a racket, but I beg you in this game of life, please keep playing no matter what,” she says

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Serena Williams has been a revolutionary in the field of tennis for girls and for women’s sports in general. She has fought her way through the system to make a name for herself, playing since the age of 14. Her vision and model for the girls trying to pursue sports has been simple; they should be treated equally.



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“One reason I’m excited about this campaign is that it’s not just about me; it’s really about supporting young girls in women’s sports. I really am passionate about this, and I feel like the more people know about what they can do to help our young ladies be amazing, the more awesome it will be,” said Williams in an interview.

The campaign mainly focuses on the rate of young girls dropping out of sports, due to various reasons. Williams, who started playing at the age of 14, believes this campaign will help in reducing that rate.

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